Monday 28 September 2009


Fact: Ady is a soothsayer!
Last night I dreamed that I was at the aftermath of a Silchester common fire. Walking along Pamber road & Kings road all the houses were blackened, the ground too.
Today the mountain behind us has small clouds of smoke billowing up where the farmers have been burning brush to promote new growth. This got out of  hand and threatened some of the houses (including Chris's). Walking home from dinner along the beach (tee-hee) the mountain was covered in tiny orange specks. Romantic but tinged with the feeling that it shouldn't be happening.
However, I failed to predict the 2.2 earthquake a couple of days ago which
occurred at about 07:00. I'm sitting in my dressing gown with the usual
morning cup of java (yes, really) when I get the feeling I'm on a boat. I
grip the arms of the chair but this doesn't help and I "know" that
standing up is not an option so I ride it out. It lasts about 10 seconds
then it dawns on me what it was.

Maybe I've angered the gods and famine and pestilence are sure to follow -
can't see it though.

The Dutch tried to teach me some words - I can say them but not pronounce
them. A scuba regulator is a 'tweede trap', a simple enough looking phrase
but I spend an hour making them laugh trying to get my throat to do things
a Klingon would struggle with.

Amanda is teaching me French, Indra (Clare knows him as he was in the
background of our last skype session) is teaching me Indonesian, German is
widely spoken and now Dutch? I have enough trouble with English.

1 comment:

  1. Spooky indeed - could you do an elder sister winning the lottery dream tonight please :-)
    We have a load of Dutch and Belgians living around these parts and I always think they are going to spit at me when they speak! Having said that, their English is usually better than mine so I can't take the Mickey too much.
    Do you think Amanda can teach me French too, mine is still pretty weak.
    We have a friend, also a diver, in Bali who has just climbed Mount Agung - don't suppose he's anywhere near you?
    Watch out for the earthquakes (eek)
    Qorgh to you both and abakaba to Indra xxx
