Saturday 8 May 2010

Notice anything?

We have been hobnobbing with the (mainly Dutch) ex-pat community here and going round to all their villas for drinkies. Most recently, Mark let slip that he may have some Gordons in a cupboard somewhere and that Amanda and I were welcome to it (what a thoroughly nice chap). That night we arrive on his doorstep glass in hand and "can you spare a farthing guv" expressions. We sit on his verandah drinking and scoffing real cheese and realise that his house is the least western and actually quite modest. If we just knock that pillar out, enlarge the kitchen, add a bathroom and locate it somewhere else it'd be perfect... I think we are a bit tipsy.

In the spirit of home-making we visit the new village shop and I now have a pants drawer. Oh and some frankfurters - how apt.

Loads more but I'm trying to keep the posts short and sweet (and with any luck, more frequent). Pictures! must include pictures, wanna see my pants drawer?


  1. Euwww, no thanks xx

    You asked if I'd noticed anything - erm, nope, can't think of anything ;-) have you had your hair cut or... has Amanda bought a new bikini top!
    Oh, what's that - nope... no idea xx

  2. Notice anything? yes... lots of things. Such as the screen has become less readable. But much more to the point... you are now engaging with your female followers. Shame. I have no interest in your pants drawer. But would, like Clare, like an update re Amanda's bikini tops.
