Monday 31 August 2009

Easy like Sunday morning

Sunday. Day of rest. We are both up with the larks (well, sparrows actually round here) and raring to go...  to go shopping. Usually a fiasco as we go armed with a list of staples and come back with a weird selection of alien vegetables, probably toxic fruit and a bag of fish gristle.

No need to worry mum, Amanda always manages to turn it into a nice cottage pie, Spaghetti Bolognaise or apple crumble.

While I was away last week Amanda was steadily breaking in the bike - think I'll start calling her Rossi or Agostini (for those of you who remember). Hovever, the thought of the by-pass turns her into a quivering wreck so I drive her to the mecca we call Makro. 

Can only get fish gristle in 25kg sacks so leave with just a tin-opener and a wooden spoon (oh, and a membership card).

After lunch we nip out to our local for an iced tea and discover the recently-opened hair salon next door. Amanda goes in for a quote and comes out 20 mins later looking like this! (for less than the price of the tea)


  1. Honestly, give the poor girl a chance - too many new names to remember isn't good for one!
    And thanks for that, I'm walking around this morning gagging at the thought of fish gristle yeuch.

    Lookin' good Mrs, I like the picture - do they do house calls? I could do with a bit of a trim myself :-)

  2. That's the point, I only went in for a trim - 6", piles of it on the floor !!! I've found the phrase book now but it's too late. Anyway, I like it today - much better for diving :)

  3. And you have to remember, this is a nation of extremely, iron-flat, straight hair - my stylist was looking at mine with a mixture of awe and disbelief!!!!

  4. Ooh, they'd love me - someone once called my hair "wild" hmmm, not sure how to take that. Yours looks lovely though.
    You're braver than me too, I've been here over 3 years and still don't have the courage to go into the hairdressers.

  5. How come you never looked this glam for me?
