Monday 21 December 2009

Close Encounter

Bill, you remember Bill don't you? the gecko formerly known as No.2 who's 9" long, warty with green spots, well last night he/she was doing normal things geckos do in the evening which is to hang around the light fitting waiting for a tasty snack to come along. So I'm minding my own business supping a cold beer when a small beetle landed on my back, shortly followed by Bill. Amanda jumps up in astonishment at seeing Bill biting my shirt and I look at her as if to say 'am I going to die'? The next thing I know is Bill has finished eating and is looking for an escape route,  'Oh look this mans face looks safe think I'll sucker myself there'. So I'm sitting there calmly with a gecko hanging off my face and Amanda is jumping up and down trying not to wet her pants with fear/laughter when Bill has second thoughts and runs off. The worst thing is my beer is now warm and I'll probably not be able to sleep, not now, not ever!


  1. Andy would have appreciated Bill's suckers last night. North Hants and Berks totally wiped out by a good 8" plus of snow. Andy took 8 hours to get home to Ascot. We walked home and had two lodgers. Around 2,000 cars abandoned. Funny but nobody noticed any gritters going past .... so it began to melt today and is now -5 so what fun tomorrow. Stay with the heat if you know what's good for you.

  2. No photographs? You obviously need an assistant photographer/measurer.

  3. Unfortunately the only photographer I know is retired & living the life of Riley in France...
