Sunday 13 December 2009

Party Time

We are losing track of the ceremonies, there are lots of them and they are taken very seriously whether religious, full moon or something seemingly more sombre like a death in the family. I say seemingly as a cremation is a major and celebratory event. An entire village will be involved (everyone IS related to everyone else here - bit like Thatcham) they process through the streets, dancing & playing gamelan/gong/pipe music following the body to it's final resting place. In the really touristy areas locals charge foreigners to join in & take pictures - seems wrong to me but there you go.

We don't have to do all the religious stuff but we were honoured to be invited to one ceremony. Pre-nuptual drinks & nibbles for Bago one of our boatdrivers and snorkelling guide. Everyone dressed up in their traditional finery and each took appropriate & identically wrapped offerings. On this occasion its a bamboo tray of rice & noodles with a parcel of rice, sugar, flour so the happy couple won't have to stock up the store cupboard for a while.

Left to right are Dewi, Surya, Anik, Budi (or it might be Erfa I'm afraid I still get confused) and Indra

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