Saturday 9 July 2011


I am composing the next blog but I have to get this off my chest NOW!
Dear NASA. Do you seriously expect us (the general public) to believe that you have to delay the launch of the space shuttle due to bad weather?  This thing has been designed and built by the best scientists and engineers on the planet to withstand the incredible extremes of temperature, pressure and turbulence required for re-entry and you're telling me that you daren't launch because there's a few clouds in the sky! Come on,  that's like British Rail saying there's the wrong kind of leaves on the line, and no-one believes that.
So if it's OK to subject thousands of fare paying airline passengers to "fasten your seatbelts" in a bit of lightning but not astronouts? Jeez, can you imagine being told "We're going to send you into space in a craft that can't cope with a bit of a light breeze, now just sign here".  I think not, Watson.


  1. They don't cancel the Tours de France for a bit of rain and they're only wearing jersies!

  2. I was tickled when the count was held at 31s because the instrumentation didn't confirm that the nose cone cap had cleared.

    Almost 7500km away, we saw clearly that it had. Perhaps Kennedy Space Centre can't get NASA TV.

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